Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend Wrap: 2008/09/28

Palin Back Lashes

The growing number of Palin gagglings1, and a growing number of conservatives wringing their hands2 at the humiliating performance of Sarah Palin in her interview with Katie Couric (maybe Sarah was just speaking in tongues?), could eventually evoke a sympathetic response, not only from former Palin-guffawers3, but from many independent female former-Palinistas. But the reaction would be one of retribution: Who should pay for putting this unprepared woman up to this ridicule? It would not be Barack Obama or the lefty media, it would be John McCain and his selfish, crass miscalculation. Now that would be poetic justice.

1. The Daily Dish: Palin Gag Of The Day, Truly Beyond Parody
2. The Daily Dish: Another One Gets Off The Bus
3. The Sarah, we are not that different, you and I

MoDo Sunday

The hit-and-miss1 Mother Dowd laments2 Barack Obama not fighting John McCain's fury with fury in Friday's debate:

Obama did a poor job of getting under McCain’s skin. Or maybe McCain did an exceptional job of not letting Obama get under his skin. McCain nattered about earmarks and Obama ran out of gas.

But this time she is wrong, I think, for two reasons:
(a) Obama walks a fine line between staying too cool and getting too angry. The angry-black-man image is what the McCain team would love to have around to show to older, blue-collar white voters3.
(b) Obama's steady politeness (giving Senator McCain "credit" for his stance on torture and pointing out several times where he agrees with his opponent) made McCain's grouchy petulance even more glaring than it already was.

1. The Nation: MoDo, Deconstructed
2. The New York Times: Sound, but No Fury
3. The New York Times: Union Leaders Confronted by Resistance to Obama

Best Line Of The Week

Frank Rich:

As recently as Tuesday [John McCain] had not yet even read the two-and-a-half-page bailout proposal first circulated by Hank Paulson last weekend. “I have not had a chance to see it in writing,” he explained. (Maybe he was waiting for it to arrive by Western Union instead of PDF.)1

1. The New York Times: McCain’s Suspension Bridge to Nowhere

Apocalypse now

I find it ironic that it is mainly those in the evangelical-religionist sect of the Republican Party who don't believe in the "apocalypse" prophesied by Paulson-Bernanke1 (if there is no government-backed financial rescue plan) but do believe in the Apocalypse of the Book of Revelation and the Left Behind franchise of LaHaye-Jenkins.

1. U.S. News & World Report: How Paulson Just Picked the 2012 GOP Nominee

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