Monday, December 1, 2008

The Geek Poet's Tale  [the first fragment]

   The Geek poet, patiently sitting, awaited his turn

   To spin his own yarn. "My own tale, I hope, you will not spurn."

My tale begins when I left my native realm, Blogosphere,

And walked planet Earth: to speak my peace, and lend them my ear.

My first encounter was this jazzily dressed dude. "A Beat,"

He said, was what his people called him, "poet of the street.

Strange poet: What clothing is this? What roads do you traverse?

Are you a Beat poet from an alternate universe?"

"I, a Geek poet, find cosmologists' dark energy

More inspiration for verse than a person's dark psyche.

I weave verses of wonder 'round modern technology;

Some say I don't deal enough with human psychology.

Computers and math catch my poetic imagination;

But of poets of nature, I have great admiration.

And I am willing to learn more of this poetry of Beat,

And from others in your land." With that, we walked down the street.

[more fragments to come*]

* This fragment was found scouring a the backups of a lost blog on Blogosphere. More fragments are expected to be found. -pt


  1. That is very cool. This will make a great series, the adventures of the Greek Poet. I look forward to more.


  2. On Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, Nevill Coghill wrote: "Chaucer left ten fragments of varying sizes of this great poem ... If we may trust the Prologue, Chaucer intended that each [pilgrim] should tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two on the way back. He never completed this immense project."

    I hope The Geek Poet's Tale meets a better fate.

  3. Me too, although, people are still reading Chaucer a few hundred and something or other years later, so that's not too bad a fate. But yes, I hope yours makes it that far in tact.

  4. reading backwards is always best... with reference to the 7th fragment.. the day mlk last spoke of a dream he wouldn't attend... dig the reference to moses, well, thought it was moses, promised land and all... and i aint going back, or is that forward to the 7th day fragment just yet.. thank you, enjoyed the bus ride, may have gotten a little contact high... and the beat goes on... and on,
