Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration 2009

Dianne-a Dianne-a: Yes we can-a!
You opened with proper ceremonial manna.

Rick Warren Rick Warren, you sounded so foreign;
The bottom line though: You were quite borin'.

Aretha! Aretha! The Hat on that sing-a!
On that Beautiful song, I wanted to ling-a.

Joe Biden Joe Biden (whom ya confide in?)
Kudos to you, scrappy dude from Scranton.

John Williams John Williams, composer of flick hymns;
Your quartet of legends played with just the right trims.

John Roberts John Roberts, you scrambled the words
To the presidential Oath. Obama, reverts.

Obama Obama, you left us in awe,
With a speech circumspect of reality's flaw.

Alexander Alexander, if you don't mind some candor,
That inaugural poem was a curious meander.

Joe Lowery Joe Lowery! you were so flowery!
You topped it all off with a poetical* cherry!

see also Séance Sonnet

2009/01/22: posted to Totally Optional Prompts Ceremonies


... Lord, in the memory of all the saints
       who from their labors rest, and
       in the joy of a new beginning,
       we ask you to help us work for that day:
when black will not be asked to get in back ...
when brown can stick around ...
when yellow will be mellow ...
when the red man can get ahead, man ...
and when white will embrace what is right;
that all those who do justice and love mercy,
say Amen.


  1. Fine work, I'm humming, smiling and loving it!

  2. Philo, Philo, don't you know!
    I'll say Amen to that!!!

  3. i really enjoyed this summary as i only read the transcript of obamas speech and missed the broadcast in its entirety...

  4. Should we sing it to "Hail to Chief"? Well done.

  5. Cam!

    It could scan pretty well to Hail to the Chief (4 stanzas, repeat with one extra stanza embedded)!

  6. Here from "TOP".
    This rhyming poem is not only good, it includes candor, humor, and insight.

  7. Delightful phymes! A fun poem to read!
