Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ten tentacles

I need, say, ten tentacles,
like the squiggly squid,
to juggle all those receptacles
of the internet grid.

Eight tentacles to be grown,
and each one is shod
with e-reader, pad, or android phone,
netbook or notebook or tablet or pod.

(Two tentacles I'll use
to poke on displays,
with my eyes to peruse
their photon rays.)

My tentacles enlarging,
the number swells,
with their axons recharging
those battery cells.

Now I wonder if wherever I swim
I'll have the right device,
one on each limb —
and will ten tentacles suffice?

*     *     *     *

How Many Legs Does a Squid Have?
placed in Poets United Poetry Pantry #23


  1. I included a link to this post in my poem about resolutions and wacky rhymes. I hope you’ll come over to read it when you get some time. :)

    Rhyme Me a Smile

  2. Clever one, does feel the need for more than two hands! Look forward to reading more of your work in the coming year.

  3. Nice one Philip. :-)

    I have a laptop and we use a cellphone for our business (basic) but I've made a conscious effort not to be 'connected' all the time. Heck, I don't even wear a watch now. All this technology can be quite mad. Press this, answer that, tweet this, facebook that. Oh God, no.

    Two hands, two fingers for typing lol, all I need.

  4. Cool piece - you could take up juggling.

  5. talk some nature walk daily,
    stay positive,
    be happy...

    lovely delivered emotions, best wishes for 2011.
