Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So-net etiquette sonnet

You only have to make an avatar
of you: your iconography to show
within your network time slots when you star
on so-cial-nets, whichever one you you sow.

Your top-bill name, cannot be made-up though
(unless you're famous like celebrities):
The so-net management may de-bill "Doe"
of "John" or "Jane"—your real name if you please.

Now finding audience is not a breeze—
make Circles right for you. And be polite
with your comments and hit the right + keys.
With these in mind your future looks quite bright,

and soon your star will rise with every byte
you send to where nobody has stage fright.

placed in imaginary garden with real toads


  1. How very true. A commentary on modern times!

  2. What excited me most as I read your poem was the wonderful thing you did with the rhyme scheme of this sonnet.. Very original, and gives a newness to the form. You chose a great subject, and explored it very humorously within the form.

  3. I too like how you handled your subject. There is really such truth here ... perhaps not something that I have thought a great deal about ... but instead have emoted about. I chuckle now as I think of my FB account (I have never liked being there and have shut down for a time my site there. Yes indeed, this was very clever!

  4. Love the topic, the humor and the form. Great job!

  5. Thanks for all the nice comments!

    I wasn't really thinking of it or making an effort to at the time, but the rhyme scheme I ended up with (abab bcbc cdcd dd) is basically that of the Spenserian sonnet (abab bcbc cdcd ee).

  6. (I now see something in a list called Irish Sonnet: abab bcbc cdcd dd. I know of no examples of these.)

  7. for someone like me who writes strictly in free verse, it's always a pleasure to read good form writing.. this is such a piece and your topic is so damn original..

    in case you are ever interested, would love your words:

  8. I'm fond of an occasional sonnet myself, I must admit...Must search out info on an 'Irish' one for future reference...
