Sunday, October 16, 2011

Southern Baptist Conventions

And every other one's a Mormon cult
or a Catholic fake. Or like the Jew:
an incomplete.
The only books I will consult —
they number sixty-six: the New
the Old repletes.

The only Jesus I will ever know
believes in atheist Ayn Rand
on government:
It is the Devil that takes dough
from Godly rich men in the land
from Heaven sent.

My Holy Bible sets the rule for all —
as long as it aligns itself
and Jesus text is trumped by Paul.
It sits right-side upon my shelf
and bedside stand.

written for Poetics — Taboo Subjects in dVerse Poets Pub


  1. The Bible in all its beauty has always confused me..many stories written by mortal man and I wonder did things get lost in translation..

    great write here..

  2. smiles. there are those that will twist the word of god to fit their small minded view of the world and morals that often ends far from the message i believe is intended...

  3. religion to fit the circumstances does my head in ...hurt no one is my philosophy ....occasionally I slip up ! thanks for sharing x

  4. nicely penned - I wonder why it has to be so confusing. guess we are supposed to each find our own path.

  5. touche, Well done, smooth reading...

  6. awesome piece...
    very apt thoughts in religion.

  7. Brilliant write - so much evil is done in the name of God and if He truly exists I am sure this was not his great plan.

    Anna :o]
