Saturday, December 31, 2011

As You Post It

All the world's a blog,
And all the men and women merely posters ...

I have, I feel sometimes, too many streams of my own to feed: Blogger, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, ...

Two of each, up until LinkedIn, which I totally neglect, as well as a couple of others I forget right now ...

And now I'm producing ebooks as well. These are bigger chunks than these posts for sure ...

This doesn't count comments I post on posts in other streams: other's blogs, other's Google+ posts,, ...

And all those circles (Google+) and lists (Twitter) and RSS streams (Google Reader) I need to read and manage ...

People say they don't blog, but they are probably lying. Every time they make a comment on a blog, or on Facebook, or whatever ... they are blogging (publishing posts) too.

It's all one big blog and we are all blogging into it.

"Doesn't he ever talk?" a prisoner in Cool Hand Luke says, referring to the 'Man With No Eyes, the guard who then shoots a bird from the sky. "I think he just said something," Luke replies.

photo from Cool Hand Luke (1967)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, one big blog........such wonderful connections. Happy New Year, kiddo!
