Saturday, May 5, 2012

Savage exegesis

The Bible is filled with bigotries: It's anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-foreigner (killing everyone of another tribe is God's command), anti-freethinker (kill all those who don't believe the right thing), etc.

Anyone who has read the Bible knows this.

The problem is people are told from childhood that the Bible is all-good book. It isn't. That's why some liberal Christians try to twist the bad stuff (primarily the anti-gay stuff) in the Bible and try to make it look not-so-bad. But they look ridiculous in the process.

Dan Savage said the right thing: The Bible is full of bullshit.

Accurately Describing the Bible Is Not Oppression


  1. well if you have a better system or whatever that works better let us know

  2. Lucretius, On the Order of Things* (1st century BCE). Should be read before the Bible.

    "Some six or seven decades after Poggio returned the *poem to circulation, atomism was viewed as a serious threat to Christianity. Atomist books were burned; the clergy in Florence prohibited the reading of Lucretius in schools. The sense of threat intensified when Protestants mounted their assault on Catholic doctrine. That assault did not depend on atomism—Luther and Zwingli and Calvin were scarcely Epicureans—but for the militant, embattled forces of the Counter-Reformation it was as if the resurgence of ancient materialism had opened a dangerous second front. Indeed, atomism seemed to offer the Reformers access to an intellectual weapon of mass destruction. The Church was fiercely determined not to allow anyone to lay hands on this weapon, and its ideological arm, the Inquisition, was alerted to detect the telltale signs of proliferation."

  3. On the Order of Things should be On the Nature of Things.
