Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Limerick Leather-Face Off

Mid-Atlantic Leather judge Gary Iriza
(photo by Mister Marcus)

Birds of a Leather

There once was a slave in a slut-sling
Who could make his bubble-y butt sing
    To th'tune of his master:
    "Presto!" (which means "Faster!")
— Just another notch in his cock ring!

Blogger J.M.G. waxes body-poetic with some limerick about something that occurred this past pre-inauguration weekend at the Washington Plaza Hotel called the Annual Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend. (I have only bearly heard of this event in the past — no, really.) But what poet can withstand a limerick challenge. It's like pretending you have no interest in Cherries Jubilee. Hence (by "Philo"):

For redemption, I will post a post-inauguration poem on Wednesday.


  1. Ha! That is a classic.

  2. Thanks!

    To get one's limerick into the strict 9-9-6-6-9 can indeed be a tight fit, but I worked it in the best I could.
