Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lay off of my Bluetoothed shoos

I see a guy walking
down the outside mall, talking
to no one. Then, I see the small
appliance in his ear.

I hear a guy sitting
in a café seat beside me, talking
to a computer screen — Is it me
he's talking to?
Then, I
know that on the other side
of his head there must be an
appliance in his ear.

I know the guy sitting
across the table, talking
to no one. But he's not able
to stop — He's off his meds, perhaps? —
since I know
          there is no
appliance in his ear.


  1. That last bloke was probably me, Phil. I often get the feeling I'm talking to myself. Your little poems with their clevernesses and time travel voice blending are very cool.


  2. Thanks!

    The closer one gets to downtown urban areas — in Dallas, for example — the more you see examples of people (mostly men) walking, talking (without "an appliance in their ear") to "someone".
