Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Menu of a Facebook fool

Twitter, Twitter foil and fritter;
Firefox churn, and network litter.

Menu of a Facebook fool:
Add the latest network tool;

App of week, and post of blog,
Wiki farm, and edit log;

Google ads, and click-through stats,
HaloScan with online spats;

Dreamweave site, and clean MySpace;
Change MY RANTS to lower case.

Twitter, twitter foil and fritter;
Firefox churn, and network litter.

posted to Read Write Poem: list poem (instead of)


  1. This is great! Reminds me of a witches spell from one of those Disney movies, lol. I LOL'd at "Change MY RANTS to lower case," it really hit home. And extra kudos for mentioning TWITTER! Thank you for sharing!

  2. lol - had to read it to my husband, so he's lol too.

  3. ROTFLMBO *Sigh* Is this what our daily lives have turned into? And we WONDER why we're always tired at the end of the day :os. Who know the internet would be the BEST tool for keeping a brain active ;o)>.

    GREAT job!

