Thursday, November 4, 2010

Electromagic fields

Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic.

Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law of Prediction

Spells by billions of fingertips cast:
Electro-poets with tablets of glass.
Large Hadron Collider particles smashed,
Unlocking hidden dimensions at last.

Retinas stimulated by photonic haze,
Each generation of gadget amaze.
Wizards line up for the latest craze,
But what of those without their ways?

This magic untouching too many who crawl
With empty plate and tattered shawl.
The earth shrunk down increasingly small:
For these there's little effect at all.

*     *     *     *

placed in Poets United Think Tank #22: Magic


  1. Very thought-provoking. Yes, those with empty plates and tattered shawls are not feeling the magic. Good one!

  2. Yes, Philip, for a momet we stop and stare at our Ipad, HP or Macs. Many in the world have no clue about the use of the magic sceen.

    Thanks you reminding us how much we take for granted.

  3. My favorite line:

    Retinas stimulated by photonic haze,
    Each generation of gadget amaze.

    Not like it once was, right? I love your rhyming poems, by the way!

  4. Such a delight to read, loved it :)

  5. Great read; Love all the imagery~

  6. Philip,
    I do enjoy visiting your blog.
    This is indeed in keeping with your style. For all the technological advances, man is still inhumane towards his own beings.
    The power of magic rather frail at times.
    Best wishes Eileen

  7. Thanks for all the kind comments. And thanks for visiting!
