Friday, August 19, 2011

A pretzel in the park

Steven Retchless, pole fitness champion*

Four nimble limbs of gold go bold-
ly round a naked pole,
defy earth's gravity's own hold,
delight a hungry soul.

To be that pole that twist of fate
would grab and hold to me.

Enticing daydreams that creates
beneath the hardwood tree.

A winding pretzel on a stick,
sprinkled with salty sweat:
a sexy topologic pick,
the treat I won't forget.

* Steven Retchless is a contestant on America's Got Talent
placed in the Poets United Poetry Pantry #63
and sneaked into dVerse Poets Pub Open Link Night Week 6


  1. I sure love the title of your poem. The way you use food to get your message across, I like that. With poetry, everything is possible. You're absolutely right.

  2. It is quite amazing what the human body is capable of or at least what his body is capable of. I'm not so sure how long I could hang on like that, lol :)

  3. bet that was pretty cool to when people really get into their it painting, dancing...or acrobatics....

  4. It's amazing how people take their inner talents and perfect them.. he reminds me of Cirque de Solei..

    you wrote a lovely poem on what you witnessed...

  5. A winding pretzel on a stick
    Just what the picture looks like! LOL

  6. hey - im in the dverse bar after hours - i really enjoyed this poem - very strong and tight - with a great sense of solidity albeit twisted.

