Friday, December 12, 2008

Poem-maker, poem-maker    [it's a frivolous Friday]

Poem-maker, poem-maker, make me a poem,
Rhyme me a rhyme, tome me a tome;
Poem-maker, poem-maker, don't type some tripe,
And make me a perfect poem.

Poem-maker, poem-maker, make me a poem,
Rhyme me a rhyme, tome me a tome;
Night after night in the dark I'm alone.
So, find me a poem of my own.

Poem-maker, poem-maker scam me no scans,
I'm in no rush, maybe I've learned
Playing with a prose a girl can get burned;
So bring me no lines, verse me no verse,
Rhyme me no rhymes, tome me no tomes,
Unless it's a poem-y poem.

à la Matchmaker, matchmaker (Fiddler on the roof) [video, lyrics and chords]

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I really liked the second stanza. This is an interesting idea, and that was a lovely movie!
